Is Depression Genetic?

Are you worried about depression in your kids because you have been diagnosed with it? Do you want to know if it’s genetic or hereditary? Well, we are here to clear your doubts.

It can’t be said with certainty whether depression is genetic or not. It may or may not affect you even if your parents suffered it. QHowever, the chances of suffering from depression are higher in people whose parents had it than in others. Alongside your genes, several other factors may lead you to it.

Once you have finished reading this article, you will know all about depression and its relation to your genetics. We have also shared precautionary measures to stay safe from depression if your parents have a history of it. Let’s start by understanding the relationship between depression and genetics.

Depression And Genetics

Although there is no evident relation between regular depression and genetics, studies have found a relationship between major depression (a severe form of depression) and genetics. There is a 40 to 50 percent chance of kids getting infected if the parents have been suffering from it.

Although it’s not evident if it’s due to genetics or other reasons, the risk increases. There may be several nongenetic factors that might also play a role in this cause. We will understand these different factors below in detail. Now, let’s look at some research in this regard.

Researches Say

There have been several researches to understand the relationship of genes with depression, but nothing has been proven yet. Doctors have tried to understand the relationship between genes from identical twins.

It is because identical twins have 100 percent the same genes, and if both of them are affected by anxiety or depression and their parents were also suffering from it, then it is probably because of genes.

Although it has been noted depression is due to genes in some cases, the researchers have not found the exact type of genes responsible for that. A single gene was held accountable for it by one British team after research.

The Depression Gene

The research was conducted by the British among families with recurrent depression. There was a gene named chromosome 3p25-26, which was found common among more than 800 families who suffered from heart depression. It was also referred to as the depression gene.

Doctors concluded it by saying the cause of depression would be 40% genetic and 60% environmental.

Other Depression Factors

Several factors might combine to cause depression. As the doctors say, 60% of them are environmental factors. Let’s take a look at these factors in detail.

  • Mimicry: Mimicry can be a cause of depression. Significantly, if you have grown up in a depressive environment and you have seen your parents or siblings all day in their room and habit. You may automatically mimic these habits, and it may lead you to depression.
  • Gender: Gender may also play a key role in it. This genetic depression research proved women had a 42% chance of gene depression while men had only 29%.   
  • Biopsychosocial factors: Biopsychosocial causes of depression include low esteem, being emotional, and your coping abilities or response to problems.
  • Social factors: The last on our list are social factors. These are also very important in causing depression. These may include your economic situation, relationships with your fellows, education, and family situation.

These were all the nongenetic factors causing depression. If you are worrying about genetic depression, you should be careful with all the environmental factors. Here are some precautions to keep you safe even if you have a history of depression in your family.

Precautions For People With Family History Of Depression

These are the essential practices in keeping you safe from potential depression, especially if your parents, siblings, or close ones have been through it.

  • Mood Diary: Make a mood diary. Track your mood and behavior, especially if you are near depressed people. Seek help in case of any minor changes in your mood due to them.
  • Exercise: Perform exercise or any physical activity daily. It will strengthen you both mentally and physically.
  • Diet: Your diet can also play a role in it. Take food rich in vitamin B, D, and Omega-3 fatty acids. Avoid processed food or food with high fats or sugar.
  • Sleep: Maintain good sleep hygiene. Ensure the depressed people around you are not affecting your rest. Irregular sleep patterns can also cause insomnia and depression.
  • Meditation: Practice meditation techniques like yoga or breathing exercises to stay stress-free. These meditation techniques can help you stay stress-free even in a challenging environment.
  • Avoid negativity; Staying with depression patients may promote negativity. Try to avoid it with positive and productive habits. It will help you in staying safe from depression.

Final Words

There is no clear answer to whether depression is genetic or not. It is said that 40% cause depression, and the rest are environmental factors among people with a family history of depression.

Researchers have found the relationship between genes and depression in some cases is unknown. Only one study has held a gene (chromosome 3p25-26) responsible for depression, but no concrete evidence exists about other genes.

In either case, seek medical treatment immediately if you have a family history of depression and not any symptoms because it is usually severe in such cases.


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